Nordstrom Rack
I identified a need for Nordstrom Rack to make their social content more cohesive, primarily on Instagram. Previously, social content was made spontaneously utilizing a fashion closet within the office. This created a disjointed omni-channel strategy and did not communicate what made Nordstrom Rack the place to shop. I was able to work with the business to communicate key priorities each month, and then translate that into social content that also laddered up to the overall campaign imagery for the quarter.
I art directed, conceived, photographed (unless otherwise credited) and edited all social imagery for organic social and paid Facebook/Instagram ads. We hit 1M on Instagram 6 months later, seeing a 500K+ follower growth. Success from social paid ads also prompted other teams to buy-in for social ads. Along with creating the imagery, I also wrote all social copy to accompany it, and executed all paid social ads (targeting, report wrap-ups, etc).
Selling in social staff to create content in lieu of traditional creative teams helped Nordstrom Rack also par down their team to be more efficient and work more closely with platform reps, business groups and in-store events. By employing and training a staff of social strategists to create content, we were able to create content that fit each platform specifically and to the best of its ability.
Images following “Let it Snow” pillow image were photographed by Paul Bennet, and Eliot Tolot. Prop styling by Whitney Wood. All other images, prop styling by Jess Yeager, Laura Whitehead. Photography, concepts & art direction by me.